Wednesday, April 22, 2009

birthday menu

muffins with stone pine seeds (at least this is what google told me they’re called in English) and parmesan cheese and basil. Reminder: do not forget to add oil if it is in the recipe – its difficult to get the paper off : ) Otherwise it was a good recipe, with no butter, but bit of oil and yoghurt instead. Summer, time of minis is skirts is coming ;)


And cottage cheese blackberry cake. yum! recipe comes originally from this cook book, but i did not use raspberries.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

beet root casserole

very easy-to-make and peasant-to-eat dish. grated and slightly fried carrots, sliced and fried onion, boiled and grated beetroot, fried minced meat. an egg and a bit of milk to pour it over. a bit of cheese to cover it all. salt, pepper and basil and a bit of my favourite – rosemary.

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the idea was to make a quiche, but i think it’s just a pie with improvised filling of ham, mushrooms, paprika, cottage cheese, onion, cheese and tomatoes. just a really thick pizza :) well, i don’t know what it is, but it was delicious and pretty!

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Saturday, April 11, 2009


it is always to have an appetiser while the main course is in the oven baking. just not to die of hunger. toast with Brie is delicious! you have no toaster? me neither. but i have a frying pan. it works perfectly.


the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I know nothing about wines. having said that, let me tell you what i think of these three we had yesterday. starting from left, let me introduce the Strange, the Terrible and the Okey. Old Tbilisi was a bit a political choice – to support Georgia (just kiddin). But no, do not mix politics with alcohol! It was real bad. Perhaps it was cos it was semi-sweet (i.e. very sweet), but it really tasted rather lemonade than wine. So let me remember to avoid it in the future. (i have a tendency to remember wines that I have had, but in most of the cases I can’t remember whether it was good or bad. or ugly.)



Friday, April 10, 2009


I found today a blog which makes me to run to the food store now – I JUST NEED TO COOK! bounteous-bites - full of great recipes and gorgeous photos. There’s also an Estonian version of it bounteous-bites-est

seeya! me gonna run now.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Something fishy

Sometimes my breakfasts are a weird combination of all kinds of things I find in a fridge and would like to have, all loaded on one big plate. and yes, vitamins too. just not to forget. My latest food-related obsession is ricotta.



Saturday, April 4, 2009

chicken, brown rice and salad

chicken was covered with lemon, basil, pepper, salt and lots of garlic.

kanakoib riisiga